Robert Herrick is buried in Dean Prior Church, Devon, England.
He is buried in an unmarked grave but is commemorated by a tablet and a stained glass window in the church. Near the
door, a showcase contains his poetical works.
Herrick was
vicar at Dean Prior from 1629-1647 and again from 1662 to the end of his life. At
first he was repelled by rural life but over time became accustomed to it. He
was said to be a dynamic preacher who once threw his sermon at
an inattentive congregation. Herrick
is renowned for his highly crafted lyrics on the subject on human mortality.
A.C. Swinburne called him 'The greatest
song-writer ever born to the English race.'
Herrick (along with Carew, Suckling and Lovelace) was one of the
cavalier poets. Although not a formal group, they were all supporters of Charles I and
were heavily influenced by Ben Jonson. Herrick's major work Hesperides was published in 1648 but was
not a success. However, his work was re-valued during the nineteenth century and he is
well thought of today.
Herrick died a bachelor at the age of
83. See also

Stained Glass Windows.
