Glossary of Poetic Terms
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Galliambic |
Meter composed of two iambic dimeters e.g.
Tennyson's Boadicea.
Genre |
Kind or style of literary output e.g. poem,
novel, play, short story etc.
Georgian Poets |
Group of poets whose work was published
in a series of volumes between 1912-1922 by Rupert Brooke,
Harold Monro and Edward Marsh. It includes: D. H. Lawrence,
John Masefield, Edmund Blunden, Siegfried
Sassoon, W.H. Davies, Walter de la Mare, Ralph Hodgson,
Edward Thomas, James Stephens, Andrew Young,
J.C.Squire, James Elroy Flecker, A.E.Housman and Robert Graves.
Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon and Edmund Blunden later objected to being labelled 'Georgian'.
Georgics |
Poems about farming or farmers. The term
derives from Virgil's carmina georgica.
Ghazal/Ghazel |
Arabic love poem or love-song.
Gleeman |
Minstrel or entertainer.
Glossary |
What you're reading now.
Verse |
A lyric meter invented by the Greek poet
Verse |
Verse containing gnomes, maxims and
aphorisms. It particularly refers to the work of certain sixth and
seventh centuries B.C. Greek poets - such as Theognis.
Gobbledegook |
Onomatopoeic word (derived from the noise
made by poultry) for incomprehensible or jargon-laden writing/language.
Treasury, The |
Influential anthology compiled by F.T.
Palgrave and first published in 1861.
Verse |
Verse written during the 12th and 13th
centuries and attributed to the Goliards who were wandering scholars. It
was primarily written in Latin and was ribald and satirical in tone. The
most notable collection of Goliardic verse is the Carmina Burana
which was discovered in the monastery of Benediktbeuern in 1803.
Gongorism |
Elaborate and affected poetic style which was
originated by the 16th century Spanish poet Luis de Gongora y Argote.
Style |
Term coined by Matthew
Arnold (in one of his Oxford lectures) to describe the lofty,
elevated tone of poets such as Homer, Pindar, Dante and
Milton etc.
Poets |
Group of 18th century poets who
specialised in poetry on the subject of human mortality - often set in graveyards.
The group included Thomas Parnell, Edward Young, Robert Blair and most notably Thomas
the |
Poetry group founded in London in 1955 by Philip Hobsbaum and his wife.
Members of the group included: Peter Porter, Ted
Hughes, Peter Redgrove, George
MacBeth and Edward Lucie-Smith.
Grub Street |
Originally a street near Moorfields in London inhabited by minor writers
and poets. The term is now synonymous with literary hackwork.
Gushi |
Chinese poetic term which literally means 'old poetry'. However, it is
more normally used to refer to less formal verse than
Gwawdodyns |
Welsh syllabic verse form. See
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