George Gordon, Lord Byron

(6th Baron)



Lord Byron is buried in St. Mary Magdalene Church, Hucknall Torkard, Nottinghamshire, England.



Memorial Tablet to Lord Byron.

The marble plaque was donated by the King of Greece in 1881. It is inlaid with brass and set into the chancel floor as near as possible to his coffin in the vault below.

He had several affairs, both with men and women, including one with his half-sister Augusta Leigh who gave birth to his daughter and one with Lady Caroline Lamb who famously referred to him as: 'Bad, mad and dangerous to know.'

In 1816 Byron was forced to leave England for good due to his scandalous lifestyle. He travelled first to Geneva where he stayed with Shelley and his wife and Claire Clairmont in a rented villa. (Claire Clairmont soon became Byron's new mistress.)

He spent a number of years in Venice before moving to Greece in 1824 where he set up the 'Byron Brigade' and gave money to the Greeks in their war against Turkey. Before he had a chance to enter the war however he died of a fever at Missolonghi that he contracted after going for a ride in a rainstorm. The Greeks subsequently erected a statue to him.

Byron's body was brought back to England but he was refused burial in Westminster Abbey due to his 'questionable morality'. (His heart may have been removed first and buried at Missolonghi.) Instead his body was laid in the family vault at Hucknall Torkard. Many thousands of people turned out to pay their respects during the funeral procession which extended for a quarter of a mile.

Tablet outside the church.
Photograph by Cameron Self

St Mary Magdalene Church
Photograph by Cameron Self

Memorial plaque inside Westminster Abbey

Lord Byron

Byron was finally given a memorial in 'Poets' Corner' in Westminster Abbey in 1969 - one hundred and forty-five years after his death.

Byron was famous for his long poem Don Juan - which was written in  ottava rima and published between 1819-24. His work was extremely popular both at home and abroad and Byron was the equivalent of a pop star.

See also irony and romanticism.

She walks in beauty, like the night
   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright 
   Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

She walks in beauty (complete poem)

Read of more Byron's Poetry






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